Directive on Ethical Behavior

Directive on Ethical Behavior Based on the VECPS and in accordance with Section 6 of the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act, SSC developed its own Organizational Code in June 2013 to provide guidance on ethical behaviour and decision-making in the context of SSC's day-to-day operations. Adherence to both the VECPS and to SSC's Organizational Code is a condition of employment. The values and expected behaviours outlined in SSC's Organizational Code are intended to promote ethical decision-making and behaviour, and guide employees in the performance of their duties. The SSC Organizational Code also recognizes the unique role SSC plays in activities related to procurement, hospitality, gifts, and information security. It further requires SSC employees to exhibit defined values and expected behaviours. These values and expected behaviours are to be exhibited by all SSC employees along with the five Public Sector values: Respect for Democracy, Respect for People, Integrity, Stewardship, and Excellence. 2021-01-01 Shared Services Canada Information and CommunicationsProcessesDirectiveEthical BehaviourThe Values and Ethics Code of the Public Sector (VECPS)The Organizational Codevalues Directive on Ethical Behavior HTML Directive on Ethical Behavior HTML

Based on the VECPS and in accordance with Section 6 of the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act, SSC developed its own Organizational Code in June 2013 to provide guidance on ethical behaviour and decision-making in the context of SSC's day-to-day operations. Adherence to both the VECPS and to SSC's Organizational Code is a condition of employment.

The values and expected behaviours outlined in SSC's Organizational Code are intended to promote ethical decision-making and behaviour, and guide employees in the performance of their duties. The SSC Organizational Code also recognizes the unique role SSC plays in activities related to procurement, hospitality, gifts, and information security. It further requires SSC employees to exhibit defined values and expected behaviours. These values and expected behaviours are to be exhibited by all SSC employees along with the five Public Sector values: Respect for Democracy, Respect for People, Integrity, Stewardship, and Excellence.

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