Priority C (lower hazard) micro-organisms on the Domestic Substances List

Priority C (lower hazard) micro-organisms on the Domestic Substances List Priority C (lower hazard) micro-organism strains on the Domestic Substances List (DSL) were identified for expedited assessment based on their meeting the criteria for lower potential to cause harm to human health or the environment as described in Prioritization of Micro-organisms on the Domestic Substances List. 2021-03-02 Health Canada Health and SafetyPriority C micro-organismslower hazarddomestic substances listexpedited assessmenthumanplant or animal pathogensmicrobial consortiauncertain hazard level Priority C (lower hazard) micro-organisms on the Domestic Substances List HTML Priority C (lower hazard) micro-organisms on the Domestic Substances List HTML

Priority C (lower hazard) micro-organism strains on the Domestic Substances List (DSL) were identified for expedited assessment based on their meeting the criteria for lower potential to cause harm to human health or the environment as described in Prioritization of Micro-organisms on the Domestic Substances List.

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