Cyber Security Advice for Political Candidates

Cyber Security Advice for Political Candidates "The Canadian Centre for Cyber Security has warned that foreign actors will likely try to interfere in Canadian election processes. If you’re involved in politics – as a political candidate, staffer or volunteer – you are a target. It’s vital that you take steps to protect yourself. The Cyber Centre has advice to help you protect your cyber security and deal with threats to your social media accounts. The guidance in this brochure isn’t all you need, but if you follow this advice, you can help make your campaign more cyber secure. For more extensive advice and guidance, visit" 2023-03-01 Communications Security Establishment Canada Government and PoliticsInformation and CommunicationsScience and Technologycampaignelectioncandidatescybersecurity HTML ENHTML HTML FRHTML

"The Canadian Centre for Cyber Security has warned that foreign actors will likely try to interfere in Canadian election processes. If you’re involved in politics – as a political candidate, staffer or volunteer – you are a target. It’s vital that you take steps to protect yourself.

The Cyber Centre has advice to help you protect your cyber security and deal with threats to your social media accounts. The guidance in this brochure isn’t all you need, but if you follow this advice, you can help make your campaign more cyber secure. For more extensive advice and guidance, visit"

  • Publisher - Current Organization Name: Communications Security Establishment Canada
  • Publisher - Organization Section Name: Canadian Centre for Cyber Security (CCCS)
  • Licence: Open Government Licence - Canada

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