The Downing of Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752: Factual Analysis

The Downing of Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752: Factual Analysis Since the downing, significant questions have remained surrounding the circumstances and causes of the tragedy. Gaps in knowledge continue to exist, and to date, the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran (Iran) has been unresponsive to requests by Canada and its international partners to address them. This Forensic Team report draws upon an extensive body of information to develop this all-source factual analysis and present as complete an unclassified account of events as possible. It outlines the factual sequence of events that led to the tragedy, examines human and organizational factors that most likely contributed to the downing, and presents analysis that either substantiates, questions or dispels Iran’s assertions. The findings and conclusions in this report are informed by a comprehensive analysis of the reports produced by Iran’s Aircraft Accident Investigation Board (AAIB) and other publicly available information. They have been validated by consulting information collected by the Government of Canada, including classified information. 2023-11-24 Global Affairs Canada Government and PoliticsPS752Iranfactual analysisUkraineIRGCinternational airlines The Downing of Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752: Factual Analysis - 2021HTML The Downing of Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752: Factual Analysis - 2021HTML

Since the downing, significant questions have remained surrounding the circumstances and causes of the tragedy. Gaps in knowledge continue to exist, and to date, the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran (Iran) has been unresponsive to requests by Canada and its international partners to address them.

This Forensic Team report draws upon an extensive body of information to develop this all-source factual analysis and present as complete an unclassified account of events as possible. It outlines the factual sequence of events that led to the tragedy, examines human and organizational factors that most likely contributed to the downing, and presents analysis that either substantiates, questions or dispels Iran’s assertions. The findings and conclusions in this report are informed by a comprehensive analysis of the reports produced by Iran’s Aircraft Accident Investigation Board (AAIB) and other publicly available information. They have been validated by consulting information collected by the Government of Canada, including classified information.

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