8. List of Permitted Food Additives with Other Accepted Uses (Lists of Permitted Food Additives)

8. List of Permitted Food Additives with Other Accepted Uses (Lists of Permitted Food Additives) This List of Permitted Food Additives with Other Accepted Uses sets out authorized miscellaneous food additives. 2021-10-19 Health Canada open-ouvert@tbs-sct.gc.ca Health and Safetypermitted food additivesother accepted usesauthorized food additives 8. List of Permitted Food Additives with Other Accepted Uses (Lists of Permitted Food Additives)HTML https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/food-nutrition/food-safety/food-additives/lists-permitted/8-other-accepted-uses.html 8. List of Permitted Food Additives with Other Accepted Uses (Lists of Permitted Food Additives)HTML https://www.canada.ca/fr/sante-canada/services/aliments-nutrition/salubrite-aliments/additifs-alimentaires/listes-autorises/8-autres-utilisations-acceptees.html

This List of Permitted Food Additives with Other Accepted Uses sets out authorized miscellaneous food additives.

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