Women in information technology

Women in information technology Step into the world of information technology (IT) at Global Affairs Canada (GAC), where women are making waves. Discover the unique career paths taken by some employees as they share their achievements. Join us in celebrating these amazing women and find out how they can inspire your IT career path at GAC! 2023-10-26 Global Affairs Canada open-ouvert@tbs-sct.gc.ca Government and Politicswomeninformation technologyGACcelebrate Women in information technologyHTML https://www.international.gc.ca/global-affairs-affaires-mondiales/corporate-ministere/contact-contactez/women-it-femmes-ti.aspx?lang=eng Women in information technologyHTML https://www.international.gc.ca/global-affairs-affaires-mondiales/corporate-ministere/contact-contactez/women-it-femmes-ti.aspx?lang=fra

Step into the world of information technology (IT) at Global Affairs Canada (GAC), where women are making waves. Discover the unique career paths taken by some employees as they share their achievements. Join us in celebrating these amazing women and find out how they can inspire your IT career path at GAC!

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