Science Policy Note: Assessing Exposure from Pesticides in Food - A User's Guide

Science Policy Note: Assessing Exposure from Pesticides in Food - A User's Guide The following policy document is intended to provide guidance and information to the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) personnel and decision-makers and to the public. This document describes the processes used by PMRA scientists, in dietary risk assessments (DRA), to quantify the level of food residue exposures to consumers of all ages. 2021-07-30 Health Canada Health and SafetyPMRAscience policy noteassessing exposureexposure from pesticides in fooddietary risk assessmentsDRAfood residue exposures Science Policy Note: Assessing Exposure from Pesticides in Food - A User's GuideHTML Science Policy Note: Assessing Exposure from Pesticides in Food - A User's GuideHTML

The following policy document is intended to provide guidance and information to the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) personnel and decision-makers and to the public. This document describes the processes used by PMRA scientists, in dietary risk assessments (DRA), to quantify the level of food residue exposures to consumers of all ages.

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