Experiences at Prince Albert Grand Council Spiritual Healing Lodge

Experiences at Prince Albert Grand Council Spiritual Healing Lodge Prince Albert Grand Council Spritual Healing Lodge (PAGC) offers a culturally focused approach to healing and gradual reintegration for Indigenous residents. Prince Albert Grand Council (PAGC) Spiritual Healing Lodge is a men’s Section 81 facility located in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. The goal of the current study is to better understand perceptions of PAGC Healing Lodge, as well as the challenges that are currently facing the operation of the site. 2024-05-12 Correctional Service of Canada OpenGovernmentGEN-NHQ@CSC-SCC.GC.CA LawPrince Albert Grand Council Spiritual Healing LodgeSection 81men offendersIndigenous offendersElders/spiritual advisorsCSC Experiences at Prince Albert Grand Council Spiritual Healing LodgeHTML https://www.canada.ca/en/correctional-service/corporate/library/research/emerging-results/23-28.html Experiences at Prince Albert Grand Council Spiritual Healing LodgeHTML https://www.canada.ca/fr/service-correctionnel/organisation/bibliotheque/recherche/resultats-emergents/23-28.html

Prince Albert Grand Council Spritual Healing Lodge (PAGC) offers a culturally focused approach to healing and gradual reintegration for Indigenous residents. Prince Albert Grand Council (PAGC) Spiritual Healing Lodge is a men’s Section 81 facility located in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. The goal of the current study is to better understand perceptions of PAGC Healing Lodge, as well as the challenges that are currently facing the operation of the site.

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