Health Infobase

Health Infobase The award-winning Health Infobase, a sub-domain of, provides Canadian health information on a wide variety of topics including chronic and infectious diseases, injuries, mental health, health behaviours, health inequalities, consumer products, pesticides, wastewater, wildfires, and many more. In collaboration with subject matter experts, the Health Infobase team develops easy-to-use data visualizations including interactive and accessible data tools, allowing users to easily access, explore and understand Canadian health information. By using both filters and free-text search options, users can view data products from different data sources in both static and interactive formats. Many data products have downloadable data sets, which are also available on the Open Data Portal. 2023-09-29 Public Health Agency of Canada Health and SafetyAcute myocardial infarctionagestandardizedrateprevalenceincidencemortalityasthmachronic obstructive pulmonary diseasedementiaAlzheimerAlzheimer’sdiabetesepilepsyheart failurehip fracturehypertensionischemic heart diseasemultiple sclerosisosteoporosisparkinsonismParkinson’s diseasestrokehospitalizedosteoarthritisgoutcrystal arthropathiesrheumatoid arthritisjuvenile idiopathic arthritismental illnessmood disordersanxietymortalitylifemorbiditydisabilitymental illnesssuicidephysicaldiseasecaresocialinequalitieschildhoodmedicalcerebrovascularbirthischaemicheartbreastcolorectaltuberculosisHIVhuman immunodeficiency virusdiagnosissecond hand smokemammographydentalinsurancedevelopmentNeural Tube DefectsOther central nervous system defectsorgan defectscongenital heart defectsOro-facial cleftsgastrointestinal defectsurinary tract defectsgenital anomaliesLimb deficiency defectsDiaphragmatic herniaSelected abdominal wall defectschromosomal defectsChild MaltreatmentChronic Disease SpecificHealth System ManagementInjuryInteractive Web ReportsPromotionPreventionSocial DeterminantsRisk FactorFertilityPositive Mental Health OutcomesIndividual DeterminantsFamily DeterminantsCommunity DeterminantsSociety Determinantssleepactivity Public Health InfobaseHTML Public Health InfobaseHTML Data ToolsHTML Data ToolsHTML IndicatorsHTML IndicatorsHTML Data LabHTML Data LabHTML

The award-winning Health Infobase, a sub-domain of, provides Canadian health information on a wide variety of topics including chronic and infectious diseases, injuries, mental health, health behaviours, health inequalities, consumer products, pesticides, wastewater, wildfires, and many more. In collaboration with subject matter experts, the Health Infobase team develops easy-to-use data visualizations including interactive and accessible data tools, allowing users to easily access, explore and understand Canadian health information. By using both filters and free-text search options, users can view data products from different data sources in both static and interactive formats. Many data products have downloadable data sets, which are also available on the Open Data Portal.

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