2021–22 Departmental Plan: Health Canada

2021–22 Departmental Plan: Health Canada Health Canada will also continue to identify and acquire COVID-19 treatments and therapies; expedite regulatory reviews of drugs, medical devices and disinfectants; procure any needed medical and personal protective equipment; prioritize the review of COVID-19 tests, including new, innovative options and technologies; and pursue strategies to expand testing capacity. 2021-05-28 Health Canada open-ouvert@tbs-sct.gc.ca Health and SafetyHealth Canadadepartmental plandepartmental plan 2021–22COVID-19 treatmentstherapiesCOVID-19 teststesting capacityexpedite regulatory reviewsdrugsmedical devicesdisinfectantspersonal protective equipments 2021–22 Departmental Plan: Health CanadaHTML https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/corporate/transparency/corporate-management-reporting/report-plans-priorities/2021-2022-report-plans-priorities.html 2021–22 Departmental Plan: Health CanadaHTML https://www.canada.ca/fr/sante-canada/organisation/transparence/rapports-gestion/rapport-plans-priorites/2021-2022-rapport-plans-priorites.html

Health Canada will also continue to identify and acquire COVID-19 treatments and therapies; expedite regulatory reviews of drugs, medical devices and disinfectants; procure any needed medical and personal protective equipment; prioritize the review of COVID-19 tests, including new, innovative options and technologies; and pursue strategies to expand testing capacity.

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