JustFacts: Impaired Driving-Related Offences Subject to a Mandatory Minimum Penalty, 2014/2015 to 2019/2020

JustFacts: Impaired Driving-Related Offences Subject to a Mandatory Minimum Penalty, 2014/2015 to 2019/2020 This fact sheet presents information on criminal court cases where the most serious offence in the case is an impaired driving-related offence subject to a mandatory minimum penalty (MMP).1 Data were obtained through a request to the Canadian Centre for Justice and Community Safety Statistics (CCJCSS) and cover the period from 2014/2015 to 2019/2020 2023-09-01 Department of Justice Canada OG-GO@justice.gc.ca LawAutomobile accidentslaw JustFacts: Impaired Driving-Related Offences Subject to a Mandatory Minimum Penalty, 2014/2015 to 2019/2020PDF https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/rp-pr/jr/jf-pf/2023/pdf/RSD_JF2023_MMP_Impaired-Driving-Offences_En.pdf JustFacts: Impaired Driving-Related Offences Subject to a Mandatory Minimum Penalty, 2014/2015 to 2019/2020PDF https://www.justice.gc.ca/fra/pr-rp/jr/pf-jf/2023/pdf/RSD_JF2023_MMP_Impaired-Driving-Offences_Fr.pdf

This fact sheet presents information on criminal court cases where the most serious offence in the case is an impaired driving-related offence subject to a mandatory minimum penalty (MMP).1 Data were obtained through a request to the Canadian Centre for Justice and Community Safety Statistics (CCJCSS) and cover the period from 2014/2015 to 2019/2020

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