Episode 1: CSC 101: Introduction to federal corrections

Episode 1: CSC 101: Introduction to federal corrections In this first episode of Prisons Inside/Out, we answer some of your most frequently asked questions to explore just that. Join us as we take a deep dive into Correctional Service Canada (CSC) and investigate the complexities and myths that surround our system. 2024-01-11 Correctional Service of Canada opengovernmentgen-nhq@csc-scc.gc.ca LawPrison inside outpodcastinterviewCSCmythssystem Episode 1: CSC 101: Introduction to federal correctionsHTML https://www.canada.ca/en/correctional-service/lets-talk/listen/prisons-inside-out/episode-01.html Episode 1: CSC 101: Introduction to federal correctionsHTML https://www.canada.ca/fr/service-correctionnel/entre-nous/ecouter/au-dela-des-prisons/episode-01.html

In this first episode of Prisons Inside/Out, we answer some of your most frequently asked questions to explore just that. Join us as we take a deep dive into Correctional Service Canada (CSC) and investigate the complexities and myths that surround our system.

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