Expert Advisory Group Report 1: Charting a Path toward Ambition

Expert Advisory Group Report 1: Charting a Path toward Ambition This first report from the Expert Advisory Group articulates key findings from those deliberations including: establishing an ambition for Canada's health data ecosystem, understanding the root causes that have prevented progress, highlighting opportunities from a revitalised approach, and developing a practical set of areas of focus and principles. These will be elaborated in future reports to guide the development of a pan-Canadian Health Data Strategy. 2021-10-01 Public Health Agency of Canada Health and SafetyExpertAdvisory GroupReport 1ChartingPathAmbitionestablishingambitionCanada's healthdataecosystemunderstandingroot causespreventedprogresshighlightingopportunitiesrevitalised approachdevelopingpracticalareasfocusprinciplesto guidedevelopmenta pan-CanadianHealth DataStrategyCurrent stateof health datastrategysuccessfulVisionCanadian health dataecosystemVisionbenefithealth systemstakeholderschartingnew courseStrengtheningCanadaData FoundationCommon principlesguidepathdevelopimplementstrategyPath forwardEAGpCHDSCOVID-19COVIDcoronaviruspan-CanadianHealthDataStrategyExpertAdvisoryGroup Expert Advisory Group Report 1: Charting a Path toward AmbitionHTML Expert Advisory Group Report 1: Charting a Path toward AmbitionHTML

This first report from the Expert Advisory Group articulates key findings from those deliberations including: establishing an ambition for Canada's health data ecosystem, understanding the root causes that have prevented progress, highlighting opportunities from a revitalised approach, and developing a practical set of areas of focus and principles. These will be elaborated in future reports to guide the development of a pan-Canadian Health Data Strategy.

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