Termination of authorization under Canada's Access to Medicines Regime

Termination of authorization under Canada's Access to Medicines Regime The patent holder may seek an order from the Federal Court of Canada to terminate a compulsory licence, if the patent holder can establish that any information in the application by the licence holder is inaccurate or that the licence holder has failed 2020-09-17 Health Canada open-ouvert@tbs-sct.gc.ca Health and SafetyCanada's Access to Medicines Regimetermination of authorizationterminate a compulsory licencepatent holderFederal Court of Canada. Termination of authorization under Canada's Access to Medicines RegimeHTML https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/canada-access-medicines-regime/companies/requirements/termination-authorization.html Termination of authorization under Canada's Access to Medicines RegimeHTML https://www.canada.ca/fr/sante-canada/services/regime-canadien-acces-medicaments/entreprises/exigences/annulation-autorisation-cour-federale-canada.html

The patent holder may seek an order from the Federal Court of Canada to terminate a compulsory licence, if the patent holder can establish that any information in the application by the licence holder is inaccurate or that the licence holder has failed

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