Draft guidance on management of rolling reviews for drug submissions: Fees

Draft guidance on management of rolling reviews for drug submissions: Fees Sponsors will be issued an invoice for the full fee related to examining the NDS or SNDS once Health Canada has accepted the submission for review and issued the screening acceptance letter. 2023-09-01 Health Canada open-ouvert@tbs-sct.gc.ca Health and Safetydrug submissionsmanagement-of-rolling reviewsdrug submissionsfees Draft guidance on management of rolling reviews for drug submissions: FeesHTML https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/programs/consultation-proposed-agile-regulations-guidance-licensing-drugs-medical-devices/draft-management-rolling-reviews-submissions/fees.html Draft guidance on management of rolling reviews for drug submissions: FeesHTML https://www.canada.ca/fr/sante-canada/programmes/consultation-projet-reglementation-souple-lignes-directrices-homologation-medicaments-instruments-medicaux/ebauche-gestion-examens-continu-presentations/frais.html

Sponsors will be issued an invoice for the full fee related to examining the NDS or SNDS once Health Canada has accepted the submission for review and issued the screening acceptance letter.

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