Canada Energy Regulator (CER) - Compliance and Enforcement

Canada Energy Regulator (CER) - Compliance and Enforcement CER Reports on Compliance and Enforcement When companies do not meet requirements, the CER has the authority to take action to bring the company back into compliance, so they are operating safely. The CER’s response depends on the issue and the situation, and it enforces requirements in a manner that is fair predictable, consistent, timely, and transparent. The CER has several enforcement tools available. Explore the reports on the work we do to check that companies are meeting requirements and the work we are doing to enforce those requirements. The CER’s Reports on Compliance and Enforcement include: • Compliance Verification Activity Reports – these reports are produced from the CER’s field inspections and emergency response exercises that we do with companies. • Warning Letters – these letters are issued to companies if a non-compliance has not been addressed or as a reminder of what may happen if a non-compliance reoccurs. • Inspection Officer Orders – an Order is a tool we may use to ensure a company takes prompt action. • Commission Order or Direction – if we’re having trouble bringing a company into compliance with other tools, we may issue an order or direction from the Commission. • Audit Reports – once we complete an audit of a company, we publish a report and letter closing the audit. • Administrative Monetary Penalties – both companies and individuals can be fined for actions that are unsafe. 2023-03-30 Canada Energy Regulator Government and PoliticsCERadministrative monetary penaltyAMP compliancesafetyenforcementordersauditsdirectionsCVAinspectionswarning lettersverification Canada Energy Regulator (CER) - Compliance and EnforcementHTML Canada Energy Regulator (CER) - Compliance and EnforcementHTML

CER Reports on Compliance and Enforcement

When companies do not meet requirements, the CER has the authority to take action to bring the company back into compliance, so they are operating safely. The CER’s response depends on the issue and the situation, and it enforces requirements in a manner that is fair predictable, consistent, timely, and transparent. The CER has several enforcement tools available.

Explore the reports on the work we do to check that companies are meeting requirements and the work we are doing to enforce those requirements. The CER’s Reports on Compliance and Enforcement include: • Compliance Verification Activity Reports – these reports are produced from the CER’s field inspections and emergency response exercises that we do with companies. • Warning Letters – these letters are issued to companies if a non-compliance has not been addressed or as a reminder of what may happen if a non-compliance reoccurs. • Inspection Officer Orders – an Order is a tool we may use to ensure a company takes prompt action. • Commission Order or Direction – if we’re having trouble bringing a company into compliance with other tools, we may issue an order or direction from the Commission. • Audit Reports – once we complete an audit of a company, we publish a report and letter closing the audit. • Administrative Monetary Penalties – both companies and individuals can be fined for actions that are unsafe.

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