Evaluation of the North American Platform Program (NAPP) Partnership

Evaluation of the North American Platform Program (NAPP) Partnership Evaluation reports The department periodically conducts evaluations of Global Affairs Canada priorities, programs and projects. Evaluation serves as a practical management tool for reviewing performance of programs and activities. The information gathered through an evaluation helps improve the design as well as the implementation of upcoming programs and initiatives. A report is generated for each evaluation conducted. 2023-09-15 Global Affairs Canada open-ouvert@tbs-sct.gc.ca Government and PoliticsGlobal Affairs CanadaGACNAPPNorth AmericaPartnership ProgramEffective governancestructuresIntegrated approachCanadian interestsInternational businessdevelopmentKeyPerformance IndicatorsKPIsTemporary DutyTDLESProfessionalDevelopment program Evaluation of the North American Platform Program (NAPP) Partnership - 2017HTML https://www.international.gc.ca/gac-amc/publications/evaluation/2018/napp-ppna.aspx?lang=eng Evaluation of the North American Platform Program (NAPP) Partnership - 2017HTML https://www.international.gc.ca/gac-amc/publications/evaluation/2018/napp-ppna.aspx?lang=fra Evaluation of the North American Platform Program (NAPP) Partnership Summary Report - 2017HTML https://www.international.gc.ca/gac-amc/publications/evaluation/2018/napp_summary-sommaire_ppna.aspx?lang=eng Evaluation of the North American Platform Program (NAPP) Partnership Summary Report - 2017HTML https://www.international.gc.ca/gac-amc/publications/evaluation/2018/napp_summary-sommaire_ppna.aspx?lang=fra

Evaluation reports The department periodically conducts evaluations of Global Affairs Canada priorities, programs and projects. Evaluation serves as a practical management tool for reviewing performance of programs and activities. The information gathered through an evaluation helps improve the design as well as the implementation of upcoming programs and initiatives.

A report is generated for each evaluation conducted.

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