Draft guidance on improving indoor air quality in office buildings: Conclusion and appendices

Draft guidance on improving indoor air quality in office buildings: Conclusion and appendices Indoor air quality (IAQ) is a recognized health and safety issue. Indoor air quality issues may occur in buildings when chemical and biological contaminants exist at levels that may pose a health risk to building occupants. It is also important to note that some building occupants may be considered more susceptible to health effects from exposure to elevated levels of indoor air pollutants. Preventing IAQ issues before they arise and addressing issues as soon as they are identified is the best strategy for building operators and employers. 2024-06-05 Health Canada open-ouvert@tbs-sct.gc.ca Health and SafetyDraft guidanceimprovingindoor air qualityoffice buildingsConclusion and appendiceshealth-and-safety issuechemical-and-biological contaminantsa health riskbuilding occupantsindoor air pollutantspreventing IAQ issuesbuilding operators-and-employers Draft guidance on improving indoor air quality in office buildings: Conclusion and appendicesHTML https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/programs/consultation-draft-guidance-improving-indoor-air-quality-office-buildings/conclusion-appendices.html Draft guidance on improving indoor air quality in office buildings: Conclusion and appendicesHTML https://www.canada.ca/fr/sante-canada/programmes/consultation-document-orientation-preliminaire-amelioration-qualite-air-interieur-immeubles-bureaux/conclusion-annexes.html

Indoor air quality (IAQ) is a recognized health and safety issue. Indoor air quality issues may occur in buildings when chemical and biological contaminants exist at levels that may pose a health risk to building occupants. It is also important to note that some building occupants may be considered more susceptible to health effects from exposure to elevated levels of indoor air pollutants. Preventing IAQ issues before they arise and addressing issues as soon as they are identified is the best strategy for building operators and employers.

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