High-resolution Characterization of Impulsivity and Risk Sensitivity Deficits in Canadian Adult Federal Offenders

High-resolution Characterization of Impulsivity and Risk Sensitivity Deficits in Canadian Adult Federal Offenders This pilot study supports the feasibility and utility of using technology-based assessments of impulsive behaviour and risky decision-making in a sample of adult offenders recruited from two Canadian federal correctional institutions. Please note that this report is a one page summary. If you wish to have a copy of the full report, please send a request comment via the Open Government Portal or email the OG team: opengovernmentgen-nhq@csc-scc.gc.ca. 2024-05-15 Correctional Service of Canada OpenGovernmentGEN-NHQ@CSC-SCC.GC.CA LawSubstance use disordertechnology-based assessmentsimpulsivityrisk-takingoffendersCSC High-resolution Characterization of Impulsivity and Risk Sensitivity Deficits in Canadian Adult Federal OffendersHTML https://www.canada.ca/fr/service-correctionnel/organisation/bibliotheque/recherche/coup-oeil/456.html High-resolution Characterization of Impulsivity and Risk Sensitivity Deficits in Canadian Adult Federal OffendersHTML https://www.canada.ca/en/correctional-service/corporate/library/research/glance/456.html

This pilot study supports the feasibility and utility of using technology-based assessments of impulsive behaviour and risky decision-making in a sample of adult offenders recruited from two Canadian federal correctional institutions. Please note that this report is a one page summary. If you wish to have a copy of the full report, please send a request comment via the Open Government Portal or email the OG team: opengovernmentgen-nhq@csc-scc.gc.ca.

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