Ethnocultural Offenders: An Initial Investigation of Social History Variables at Intake

Ethnocultural Offenders: An Initial Investigation of Social History Variables at Intake Little research specific to federally-sentenced ethnocultural offenders exists and, of what does exist, none has focused on offenders’ social history. Social history – which refers to experiences of the individual, family, or community, and can also include intergenerational impacts of earlier experiences – has been recognized as important in judicial and correctional decision-making and offender management. 2023-07-27 Correctional Service of Canada LawSociety and CultureEthnocultural OffendersSocial historyIntergenerational impacts

Little research specific to federally-sentenced ethnocultural offenders exists and, of what does exist, none has focused on offenders’ social history. Social history – which refers to experiences of the individual, family, or community, and can also include intergenerational impacts of earlier experiences – has been recognized as important in judicial and correctional decision-making and offender management.

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