Colombia Country Program Evaluation 2006-2011

Colombia Country Program Evaluation 2006-2011 Evaluation reports The department periodically conducts evaluations of Global Affairs Canada priorities, programs and projects. Evaluation serves as a practical management tool for reviewing performance of programs and activities. The information gathered through an evaluation helps improve the design as well as the implementation of upcoming programs and initiatives. A report is generated for each evaluation conducted. 2023-09-16 Global Affairs Canada Government and PoliticsGlobal Affairs CanadaGACevaluationCIDACanadian International Development Agency ColombiaprogrammingArmed conflictimpactInternally displaced personsIDPsVulnerability of childrenyouthForced recruitmentchild laborVulnerabilitywomen and girlsDepartment of NariñoSustainableEconomic Growth Colombia Country Program Evaluation 2006-2011HTML Colombia Country Program Evaluation 2006-2011HTML

Evaluation reports The department periodically conducts evaluations of Global Affairs Canada priorities, programs and projects. Evaluation serves as a practical management tool for reviewing performance of programs and activities. The information gathered through an evaluation helps improve the design as well as the implementation of upcoming programs and initiatives.

A report is generated for each evaluation conducted.

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