Welcome binder for Associate Deputy Minister of Employment and Social Development and Chief Operating Officer for Service Canada Cliff Groen – 2024

Welcome binder for Associate Deputy Minister of Employment and Social Development and Chief Operating Officer for Service Canada Cliff Groen – 2024 Employment and Social Development Canada departmental overview The ESDC portfolio - Mission Employment and Social Development Canada's core responsibilities How we carry out ESDC's mandate Legislative framework Organizational structure Biographies of deputy ministers Commissions, Tribunals, Councils and Committees Annex A Service Canada Overview Infographics Service Canada 101 Service Canada Organizational Structure Overview Service Canada Regions Key Internal Documents (Human Resources Services Branch (HRSB), Chief Financial Officer Branch (CFOB), SSPB, Audit) HR Overview Financial Overview Departmental Corporate Risks, Including Service Delivery Risks Audit and Evaluation Forward Agenda and Considerations Forward Agenda Performance Measurement and Evaluation Committee Agendas Public Documents (SSPB) 2024-05-12 Employment and Social Development Canada open-ouvert@tbs-sct.gc.ca Government and PoliticsESDCDM GroenProactive DisclosureWelcome Binder Welcome binder for Associate Deputy Minister of Employment and Social Development and Chief Operating Officer for Service Canada Cliff Groen – 2024HTML http://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/corporate/reports/esdc-transition-binders/dm-esdc-groen-2024.html Welcome binder for Associate Deputy Minister of Employment and Social Development and Chief Operating Officer for Service Canada Cliff Groen – 2024HTML https://www.canada.ca/fr/emploi-developpement-social/ministere/rapports/documents-information-edsc/sm-edsc-groen-2024.html

Employment and Social Development Canada departmental overview The ESDC portfolio - Mission Employment and Social Development Canada's core responsibilities How we carry out ESDC's mandate Legislative framework Organizational structure Biographies of deputy ministers Commissions, Tribunals, Councils and Committees Annex A Service Canada Overview Infographics Service Canada 101 Service Canada Organizational Structure Overview Service Canada Regions Key Internal Documents (Human Resources Services Branch (HRSB), Chief Financial Officer Branch (CFOB), SSPB, Audit) HR Overview Financial Overview Departmental Corporate Risks, Including Service Delivery Risks Audit and Evaluation Forward Agenda and Considerations Forward Agenda Performance Measurement and Evaluation Committee Agendas Public Documents (SSPB)

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