Digital footprint (ITSAP.00.133)

Digital footprint (ITSAP.00.133) Your organization uses the Internet to carry out business activities, provide employees with remote work capabilities, and offer services to clients. As your employees and partners carry out activities on different online platforms and applications, consider the digital footprint they leave behind. Digital footprints contain sensitive information that is valuable to cyber threat actors. Through the use of tracking and monitoring techniques, threat actors can access and exfiltrate this sensitive information, jeopardizing its confidentiality and security. 2023-03-08 Communications Security Establishment Canada Education and TrainingInformation and CommunicationsScience and Technologydigital footprint HTML ENHTML HTML FRHTML

Your organization uses the Internet to carry out business activities, provide employees with remote work capabilities, and offer services to clients. As your employees and partners carry out activities on different online platforms and applications, consider the digital footprint they leave behind. Digital footprints contain sensitive information that is valuable to cyber threat actors. Through the use of tracking and monitoring techniques, threat actors can access and exfiltrate this sensitive information, jeopardizing its confidentiality and security.

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