Annual Report to Parliament 2020

Annual Report to Parliament 2020 This is Indigenous Services Canada's first such report since being legally established. As per the legislation, the report focuses on the socio-economic gaps between First Nations, Inuit, Métis and other Canadians, measures taken by the Department to reduce those gaps; and, the progress made towards addressing socio-economic conditions, including the transfer of control over service delivery to Indigenous organizations. 2020-12-24 Indigenous Services Canada Government and Politicsannual reportIndigenous Services Canada Annual Report to Parliament 2020HTML Annual Report to Parlement 2020HTML

This is Indigenous Services Canada's first such report since being legally established. As per the legislation, the report focuses on the socio-economic gaps between First Nations, Inuit, Métis and other Canadians, measures taken by the Department to reduce those gaps; and, the progress made towards addressing socio-economic conditions, including the transfer of control over service delivery to Indigenous organizations.

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