Evaluation of Distributed Computing Services

Evaluation of Distributed Computing Services The evaluation team examined Distributed Computing Services (DCS) provided by Shared Services Canada (SSC) to a group of client organizations on a cost-recovery basis. DCS encompass a range of services that support the provisioning and functionality of employee workstations and computing environments, such as desktop engineering, deployment and ongoing technical support. SSC’s work in consolidating government-wide procurement of software and hardware was excluded from the evaluation. The objective of this evaluation, as per the Treasury Board Policy on Evaluation, was to determine the relevance and performance of DCS. The objective was further refined to focus on assessing performance and identifying factors that affect the achievement of service outcomes. 2019-08-07 Shared Services Canada open-ouvert@tbs-sct.gc.ca Government and PoliticsAuditDistributed Computing Services Evaluation of Distributed Computing ServicesHTML https://www.canada.ca/en/shared-services/corporate/publications/evaluation-distributed-computing-services.html Evaluation of Distributed Computing ServicesHTML https://www.canada.ca/fr/services-partages/organisation/publications/evaluation-services-informatique-repartie.html

The evaluation team examined Distributed Computing Services (DCS) provided by Shared Services Canada (SSC) to a group of client organizations on a cost-recovery basis. DCS encompass a range of services that support the provisioning and functionality of employee workstations and computing environments, such as desktop engineering, deployment and ongoing technical support. SSC’s work in consolidating government-wide procurement of software and hardware was excluded from the evaluation. The objective of this evaluation, as per the Treasury Board Policy on Evaluation, was to determine the relevance and performance of DCS. The objective was further refined to focus on assessing performance and identifying factors that affect the achievement of service outcomes.

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