Vaccination Coverage Goals and Vaccine Preventable Disease Reduction Targets by 2025

Vaccination Coverage Goals and Vaccine Preventable Disease Reduction Targets by 2025 As part of the National Immunization Strategy objectives for 2016-2021, vaccination coverage goals and vaccine preventable disease reduction targets were set based on international standards and best practices. The goals and targets are consistent with Canada's commitment to World Health Organization (WHO) disease elimination targets and Global Vaccine Action Plan, while reflecting the Canadian context. 2021-09-27 Public Health Agency of Canada Health and SafetyVaccinationCoverageGoalsVaccinePreventableDisease ReductionTargets2025Vaccination Coveragevaccinationfor the firstthree dosespertussis vaccineinfantsvaccination coverageby two yearsof ageby seven yearschildhood vaccinesvaccinationcoverage17 years of ageadolescent vaccinesIncreaseadult vaccinesSeasonalInfluenzaVaccination Coverage GoalsIncreasevaccination coverageseasonalinfluenza vaccineVaccinePreventableDiseaseReductionTargets by 2025Endemic diseaseslow-level incidenceMaintainlow levelsReducelevelsendemic diseasemoderate levelsincidenceDiseasesunder eliminationMaintaineliminationstatus Vaccination Coverage Goals and Vaccine Preventable Disease Reduction Targets by 2025HTML Vaccination Coverage Goals and Vaccine Preventable Disease Reduction Targets by 2025HTML

As part of the National Immunization Strategy objectives for 2016-2021, vaccination coverage goals and vaccine preventable disease reduction targets were set based on international standards and best practices. The goals and targets are consistent with Canada's commitment to World Health Organization (WHO) disease elimination targets and Global Vaccine Action Plan, while reflecting the Canadian context.

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