1-Nitropropane - information sheet

1-Nitropropane - information sheet 1-Nitropropane is associated with reproductive and developmental effects; however, at levels of exposure considered in the assessment, The Government concluded that 1-nitropropane is not harmful to human health or the environment at levels of exposure considered in the assessment. 2023-07-31 Health Canada open-ouvert@tbs-sct.gc.ca Health and Safety1-Nitropropaneinformation sheetreproductive-and-developmental effectslevels of exposure 1-Nitropropane - information sheetHTML https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/chemical-substances/fact-sheets/chemicals-glance/1-nitropropane.html 1-Nitropropane - information sheetHTML https://www.canada.ca/fr/sante-canada/services/substances-chimiques/fiches-renseignements/en-bref/1-nitropropane.html

1-Nitropropane is associated with reproductive and developmental effects; however, at levels of exposure considered in the assessment, The Government concluded that 1-nitropropane is not harmful to human health or the environment at levels of exposure considered in the assessment.

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