Policy on collection and retention of records related to health product compliance and enforcement (POL-0140)

Policy on collection and retention of records related to health product compliance and enforcement (POL-0140) The purpose of this policy is to inform stakeholders of the legislative provisions related to records accessed and obtained by inspectors during compliance and enforcement (C&E) activities, as provided for in the Food and Drugs Act (the Act), as well as the Government of Canada's policies in respect of the collection, electronic transfer, retention and disposal of records. 2023-02-28 Health Canada open-ouvert@tbs-sct.gc.ca Health and Safetyhealth productcompliance-and-enforcement policyPOL-0140collection-and-retention of recordsrecords accessed-and-obtained-by inspectorscompliance-and-enforcement activities Policy on collection and retention of records related to health product compliance and enforcement (POL-0140)HTML https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/drugs-health-products/compliance-enforcement/policy-collection-retention-records-health-product-compliance-enforcement.html Policy on collection and retention of records related to health product compliance and enforcement (POL-0140)HTML https://www.canada.ca/fr/sante-canada/services/medicaments-produits-sante/conformite-application-loi/politique-collecte-conservation-registres-relatifs-conformite-application-loi-produits-sante.html

The purpose of this policy is to inform stakeholders of the legislative provisions related to records accessed and obtained by inspectors during compliance and enforcement (C&E) activities, as provided for in the Food and Drugs Act (the Act), as well as the Government of Canada's policies in respect of the collection, electronic transfer, retention and disposal of records.

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