Guidance on Securely Configuring Network Protocols (ITSP.40.062)

Guidance on Securely Configuring Network Protocols (ITSP.40.062) The information in this publication identifies and describes acceptable security protocols and their appropriate methods of use to ensure continued protection of UNCLASSIFIED, PROTECTED A, and PROTECTED B information. 2023-02-28 Communications Security Establishment Canada Information and CommunicationsScience and Technologycryptographynetwork security HTML ENHTML HTML FRHTML PDF ENPDF PDF FRPDF

The information in this publication identifies and describes acceptable security protocols and their appropriate methods of use to ensure continued protection of UNCLASSIFIED, PROTECTED A, and PROTECTED B information.

  • Publisher - Current Organization Name: Communications Security Establishment Canada
  • Publisher - Organization Section Name: Canadian Centre for Cyber Security (CCCS)
  • Licence: Open Government Licence - Canada

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