Risk-informed decision-making guidelines for workplaces and businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic

Risk-informed decision-making guidelines for workplaces and businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic Workplaces/businesses can implement key measures to limit the spread of the virus in their settings. Workplaces/ businesses are heterogeneous; therefore, the Public Health Agency of Canada recommends that employers and business owners conduct a risk assessment to determine the most appropriate public health actions for a particular workplace/business during the COVID-19 pandemic. 2021-09-24 Public Health Agency of Canada open-ouvert@tbs-sct.gc.ca Health and SafetyCOVID-19pandemicRisk-informeddecision-makingguidelinesmeasureto limitthe spread of COVID-19public healthactionsfor workplacebusiness during pandemicCOVIDcoronavirus Risk-informed decision-making guidelines for workplaces and businesses during the COVID-19 pandemicHTML https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/2019-novel-coronavirus-infection/guidance-documents/risk-informed-decision-making-workplaces-businesses-covid-19-pandemic.html Risk-informed decision-making guidelines for workplaces and businesses during the COVID-19 pandemicHTML https://www.canada.ca/fr/sante-publique/services/maladies/2019-nouveau-coronavirus/document-orientation/prise-decisions-fondees-risques-lieux-travail-entreprises-pandemie-covid-19.htm

Workplaces/businesses can implement key measures to limit the spread of the virus in their settings. Workplaces/ businesses are heterogeneous; therefore, the Public Health Agency of Canada recommends that employers and business owners conduct a risk assessment to determine the most appropriate public health actions for a particular workplace/business during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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