Environmental sanitation practices to control the spread of communicable disease in passenger conveyances and terminals

Environmental sanitation practices to control the spread of communicable disease in passenger conveyances and terminals The following guidance is provided by the Public Health Agency of Canada's Travelling Public Program to assist conveyances and terminal operators in determining appropriate infection control measures to be used on board a passenger conveyance or in a terminal. 2019-09-17 Public Health Agency of Canada open-ouvert@tbs-sct.gc.ca Health and SafetyEnvironmental sanitationpracticescontrolspreadcommunicable diseasepassenger conveyancesterminals Environmental sanitation practices to control the spread of communicable disease in passenger conveyances and terminalsHTML https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/emergency-preparedness-response/centre-emergency-preparedness-response/travelling-public-program/environmental-sanitation-practices-control-spread-communicable-disease-passenger-conveyances-terminals.html Environmental sanitation practices to control the spread of communicable disease in passenger conveyances and terminalsHTML https://www.canada.ca/fr/sante-publique/services/mesures-interventions-urgence/centre-mesures-interventions-urgence/programme-public-voyageur/pratiques-hygiene-milieu-limiter-propagation-maladies-transmissibles-moyens-transport-passagers-terminaux.html

The following guidance is provided by the Public Health Agency of Canada's Travelling Public Program to assist conveyances and terminal operators in determining appropriate infection control measures to be used on board a passenger conveyance or in a terminal.

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