GCNet Reference Architecture Document (RAD)

GCNet Reference Architecture Document (RAD) The purpose of this Reference Architecture Document (RAD) is to provide a high-level service model of the GCNet, including a description of its capabilities, and a depiction and description of its target architecture. The GCNet is broken down into its component services. The capabilities of each service will be further described in a separate Service Definition Document (SDD), and the architecture of each will be further described in a separate Technical Architecture Document (TAD), including security and privacy controls. 2019-08-07 Shared Services Canada open-ouvert@tbs-sct.gc.ca Government and PoliticsGCNET ServicesTarget Architecture GCNet Reference Architecture Document (RAD)HTML https://www.canada.ca/en/shared-services/corporate/publications/gcnet-reference-architecture-document.html GCNet Reference Architecture Document (RAD)HTML https://www.canada.ca/fr/services-partages/organisation/publications/reseau-gc-document-architecture-reference.html

The purpose of this Reference Architecture Document (RAD) is to provide a high-level service model of the GCNet, including a description of its capabilities, and a depiction and description of its target architecture. The GCNet is broken down into its component services. The capabilities of each service will be further described in a separate Service Definition Document (SDD), and the architecture of each will be further described in a separate Technical Architecture Document (TAD), including security and privacy controls.

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