Evolution of Correctional Programming in Canadian Federal Corrections

Evolution of Correctional Programming in Canadian Federal Corrections Faced with the correctional challenges of the 2020s, it now appears that in 2023 newly streamlined assessment/referral techniques (i.e., Criminal Risk Index for program intensity, etc.) when combined with the delivery of the Integrated Correctional Program Model (ICPM), Women Offender and Inuit-specific programming has considerably improved the way Correctional Service Canada (CSC) effectively manages both the highly individualized needs and multifactorial risks of adjudicated offenders. 2024-06-18 Correctional Service of Canada OpenGovernmentGEN-NHQ@CSC-SCC.GC.CA LawHistorical backgroundcorrectional programmingIntegrated Correctional Program ModelCSC Evolution of Correctional Programming in Canadian Federal CorrectionsHTML https://www.canada.ca/en/correctional-service/corporate/library/research/research-brief/23-40.html Evolution of Correctional Programming in Canadian Federal CorrectionsHTML https://www.canada.ca/fr/service-correctionnel/organisation/bibliotheque/recherche/recherche-bref/23-40.html

Faced with the correctional challenges of the 2020s, it now appears that in 2023 newly streamlined assessment/referral techniques (i.e., Criminal Risk Index for program intensity, etc.) when combined with the delivery of the Integrated Correctional Program Model (ICPM), Women Offender and Inuit-specific programming has considerably improved the way Correctional Service Canada (CSC) effectively manages both the highly individualized needs and multifactorial risks of adjudicated offenders.

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