Wider impacts of COVID-19: A look at how substance-related harms across Canada have changed during the pandemic

Wider impacts of COVID-19: A look at how substance-related harms across Canada have changed during the pandemic There is an increasing concern about a range of wider impacts of the pandemic response. Among these is the impact on problematic substance use. Feelings of isolation, stress and anxiety, lack of a regular schedule, boredom and limited available or accessible services for people who use substances may impact harms. Deaths, hospitalizations and visits to the emergency department are examples of harms. 2021-09-24 Public Health Agency of Canada open-ouvert@tbs-sct.gc.ca Health and SafetywellnesstogethercanadaalcoholWellness Together Canada(WTC)riskalcohol-related harmscannabisrisks ofcannabis-related harmsfentanylopioidsrisks ofopioidoverdoseemergency departmentvisitssigns ofan opioid overdosestimulantsmethamphetaminescocaineSubstance-relateddeathshospitalizations Wider impacts of COVID-19: A look at how substance-related harms across Canada have changed during the pandemicHTML https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/publications/healthy-living/covid-19-substance-related-harms-infographic.html?utm_source=BNews&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=launch_COVID_substance_harms_infographic_May_2021_ENG Wider impacts of COVID-19: A look at how substance-related harms across Canada have changed during the pandemicHTML https://www.canada.ca/fr/sante-publique/services/publications/vie-saine/covid-19-mefaits-lies-consommation-substances-infographie.html

There is an increasing concern about a range of wider impacts of the pandemic response. Among these is the impact on problematic substance use. Feelings of isolation, stress and anxiety, lack of a regular schedule, boredom and limited available or accessible services for people who use substances may impact harms. Deaths, hospitalizations and visits to the emergency department are examples of harms.

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