Testing devices for COVID-19: Nucleic acid testing devices

Testing devices for COVID-19: Nucleic acid testing devices Nucleic acid-based testing is also called molecular testing, and is often called PCR. Molecular tests detect the virus genetic material (nucleic acids). Public health laboratories in Canada and around the world use nucleic acid-based testing to diagnose COVID-19 infection. This test is the gold standard to diagnose active COVID-19 infection in patients with symptoms. 2021-06-29 Health Canada open-ouvert@tbs-sct.gc.ca Health and SafetyCOVID-19pandemictesting devicestesting devices for COVID-19nucleic acid testing devicesmolecular testingPCRnucleic acid-based testingCOVID-19 infectiongold standard to diagnose COVID-19 infection Testing devices for COVID-19: Nucleic acid testing devicesHTML https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/drugs-health-products/covid19-industry/medical-devices/testing/nucleic-acid-devices.html Testing devices for COVID-19: Nucleic acid testing devicesHTML https://www.canada.ca/fr/sante-canada/services/medicaments-produits-sante/covid19-industrie/instruments-medicaux/depistage/instruments-acides-nucleiques.html

Nucleic acid-based testing is also called molecular testing, and is often called PCR. Molecular tests detect the virus genetic material (nucleic acids). Public health laboratories in Canada and around the world use nucleic acid-based testing to diagnose COVID-19 infection. This test is the gold standard to diagnose active COVID-19 infection in patients with symptoms.

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