Radon action guide for municipalities: Reduction actions

Radon action guide for municipalities: Reduction actions Municipal governments regularly engage in long-term proactive planning, as found in: housing initiatives, sustainability plans, long-term land use plans, and healthy community strategies. Not only do municipalities have the power to include radon in these plans, but doing so follows from existing municipal roles of planning for housing and healthy built environments. 2023-06-30 Health Canada open-ouvert@tbs-sct.gc.ca Health and Safetyradonradon gasradioactive gasradon action guidemunicipalities reduction actions Radon action guide for municipalities: Reduction actionsHTML https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/health-risks-safety/radiation/radon/action-guides/municipalities/reduction-actions.html Radon action guide for municipalities: Reduction actionsHTML https://www.canada.ca/fr/sante-canada/services/securite-et-risque-pour-sante/radiation/radon/guides-action/municipalites/mesures-reduction.html

Municipal governments regularly engage in long-term proactive planning, as found in: housing initiatives, sustainability plans, long-term land use plans, and healthy community strategies. Not only do municipalities have the power to include radon in these plans, but doing so follows from existing municipal roles of planning for housing and healthy built environments.

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