United States Origin Goods and Technologies

United States Origin Goods and Technologies Exporters should note that the export of all goods and technology of U.S.-origin, as defined in item 5400 of the Export Control List (ECL), regardless of their nature and destination, require permits. 2024-08-23 Global Affairs Canada open-ouvert@tbs-sct.gc.ca Economics and IndustrynoticeUnited Statesorigin goodstechnologies United States Origin Goods and Technologies - 2013-09-24HTML https://webarchiveweb.wayback.bac-lac.canada.ca/web/2/https://www.international.gc.ca/controls-controles/us-eu/index.aspx United States Origin Goods and Technologies - 2013-09-24HTML https://webarchiveweb.wayback.bac-lac.canada.ca/web/2/https://www.international.gc.ca/controls-controles/us-eu/index.aspx?lang=fra

Exporters should note that the export of all goods and technology of U.S.-origin, as defined in item 5400 of the Export Control List (ECL), regardless of their nature and destination, require permits.

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