Notice to Importers Textiles and Apparel for Import to Canada from the European Union and its Member States (Items 86.98 and 86.99 on Canada’s Import Control List): Serial No. 899

Notice to Importers Textiles and Apparel for Import to Canada from the European Union and its Member States (Items 86.98 and 86.99 on Canada’s Import Control List): Serial No. 899 This Notice sets out the policies and practices pertaining to the administration of textiles and clothing. 2024-08-23 Global Affairs Canada Economics and IndustryNoticeexportersCanadaHondurasappareltextilesclothingtariffquotabankingquotaaccess levelstextilesapparelexportEUimportersCanadaChileFree Trade AgreementimportersCanadaCosta RicapreferenceimportersEuropean UnionImport Control List Notice to Importers Textiles and Apparel for Import to Canada from the European Union and its Member States (Items 86.98 and 86.99 on Canada’s Import Control List): Serial No. 899 - 2017-09-01HTML*/ Notice to Importers Textiles and Apparel for Import to Canada from the European Union and its Member States (Items 86.98 and 86.99 on Canada’s Import Control List): Serial No. 899 - 2017-09-01HTML*/