Toluene in Indoor Air

Toluene in Indoor Air Toluene is one of a diverse, group of chemicals known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which can be released as a gas into indoor air at room temperatures. The health effects of toluene depend on the level to which you are exposed, for how long you are exposed, and your own personal sensitivity to the chemical. Toluene has been shown to cause eye, nose and throat irritation, headaches, dizziness and feelings of intoxication in laboratory and workplace studies. 2024-06-01 Health Canada Health and SafetyToluenein Indoor Airgasroom temperaturesgroup of chemicalsvolatile organic compoundsVOCseyenosethroat irritationheadachesdizzinessfeelings of intoxication Toluene in Indoor AirHTML Toluene in Indoor AirHTML

Toluene is one of a diverse, group of chemicals known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which can be released as a gas into indoor air at room temperatures. The health effects of toluene depend on the level to which you are exposed, for how long you are exposed, and your own personal sensitivity to the chemical. Toluene has been shown to cause eye, nose and throat irritation, headaches, dizziness and feelings of intoxication in laboratory and workplace studies.

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