Infectious Disease and Climate Change Fund

Infectious Disease and Climate Change Fund The Infectious Disease and Climate Change Fund (IDCCF) addresses the impact of climate change on human health in Canada by: increasing capacity, enabling Canadians and communities and improving adaptability and resiliency. 2021-11-05 Public Health Agency of Canada Health and SafetyInfectiousdiseaseclimatechangefundIDCCFclimate-drivenzoonoticfood-bornewater bornehealthimpactssurveillancemonitoringactivitieshealthprofessionalshealth risksrisks Infectious Disease and Climate Change FundHTML Infectious Disease and Climate Change FundHTML

The Infectious Disease and Climate Change Fund (IDCCF) addresses the impact of climate change on human health in Canada by: increasing capacity, enabling Canadians and communities and improving adaptability and resiliency.

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