Canadian Immunization Guide Chapter on influenza and statement on seasonal influenza vaccine for 2021–2022

Canadian Immunization Guide Chapter on influenza and statement on seasonal influenza vaccine for 2021–2022 Annual recommendations on the use of influenza vaccine in Canada are developed by the NACI Influenza Working Group (IWG) for consideration by NACI. Recommendations are developed based on a review of a variety of issues, which can include: the burden of influenza illness and the target populations for vaccination; efficacy, effectiveness, immunogenicity, and safety of influenza vaccines; vaccine schedules; and other aspects of influenza immunization. In addition, PHAC has expanded the mandate of NACI to include the consideration of programmatic factors in developing their recommendations to facilitate timely decision-making for publicly funded vaccine programs at provincial and territorial levels. These programmatic factors include economics, ethics, equity, feasibility, and acceptability. 2021-10-23 Public Health Agency of Canada Health and SafetyInfluenzavaccineNationalAdvisoryCommitteeImmunizationAdverseeventAEFICAEFISSCanadianAdverseEventsFollowingImmunizationSurveillanceSystemCIConfidenceintervalCIGCanadianGuideDINDrugIdentificationNumberFFUFluorescentfocusunitsGBSGuillain-BarrésyndromeGMTGeometricmeantitreGMTRGeometricratioHAHemagglutininHAARTHighlyactiveantiretroviraltherapyHCWHealthcareworkerHIVHumanimmunodeficiencyvirusIgImmunoglobulinIIVInactivatedIIV3TrivalentinactivatedIIV3-AdjAdjuvantedIIV3-HDHigh-dosetrivalent inactivatedIIV3-SDStandard-doseIIV4QuadrivalentinactivatedIIV4-SDStandard-doseILIInfluenza-likeillnessIMIntramuscularImmunizationMonitorinProgramActiveLAIVLiveattenuatedLAIV3TrivalentliveattenuatedLAIV4QuadrivalentMMRMeaslesmumpsrubellaNANeuraminidaseNACI ORSOculorespiratorysyndromeRCTRandomizedcontrolledtrialRNARibonucleic acidRZVRecombinantzostervaccineSAESeriousadverseeventVEVaccineeffectivenessWHOWorld HealthOrganizationAdvisoryCommitteeStatementACSIMPACT Canadian Immunization Guide Chapter on influenza and statement on seasonal influenza vaccine for 2021–2022 HTML Canadian Immunization Guide Chapter on influenza and statement on seasonal influenza vaccine for 2021–2022 HTML

Annual recommendations on the use of influenza vaccine in Canada are developed by the NACI Influenza Working Group (IWG) for consideration by NACI. Recommendations are developed based on a review of a variety of issues, which can include: the burden of influenza illness and the target populations for vaccination; efficacy, effectiveness, immunogenicity, and safety of influenza vaccines; vaccine schedules; and other aspects of influenza immunization. In addition, PHAC has expanded the mandate of NACI to include the consideration of programmatic factors in developing their recommendations to facilitate timely decision-making for publicly funded vaccine programs at provincial and territorial levels. These programmatic factors include economics, ethics, equity, feasibility, and acceptability.

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