Fees for human drugs

Fees for human drugs Fees for regulatory activities related to human drugs (pharmaceutical and biological) are charged as per the Fees in Respect of Drugs and Medical Devices Order. 2023-09-03 Health Canada open-ouvert@tbs-sct.gc.ca Health and Safetyhuman drugsfeesfees for regulatory-activitiesfees for human-drugspharmaceutical-and-biological drugsdrugs-and-medical-devices order Fees for human drugsHTML https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/drugs-health-products/drug-products/fees.html Fees for human drugsHTML https://www.canada.ca/fr/sante-canada/services/medicaments-produits-sante/medicaments/frais.html

Fees for regulatory activities related to human drugs (pharmaceutical and biological) are charged as per the Fees in Respect of Drugs and Medical Devices Order.

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