The Journey of Statistics Canada Data - Infographic

The Journey of Statistics Canada Data - Infographic This infographic demonstrates the journey of data and how respondents' answers to our surveys become useful data used to make informed decisions. The infographic highlights the Labour Force Survey (LFS), the Survey of Household Spending (SHS), and the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS). 2022-02-23 Statistics Canada Government and Politicsinfographics Infographic: The Journey of Statistics Canada DataHTML Infographic: The Journey of Statistics Canada DataHTML Infographic: The Journey of Statistics Canada DataPDF Infographic: The Journey of Statistics Canada DataPDF

This infographic demonstrates the journey of data and how respondents' answers to our surveys become useful data used to make informed decisions. The infographic highlights the Labour Force Survey (LFS), the Survey of Household Spending (SHS), and the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS).

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