(Updated) Notice to Brokers using the Export Import Control System (EICS) - Final Reminder for Mandatory transition to the New Export Import Controls System: Serial No. 1058

(Updated) Notice to Brokers using the Export Import Control System (EICS) - Final Reminder for Mandatory transition to the New Export Import Controls System: Serial No. 1058 On July 11, the Trade and Export Controls Bureau at Global Affairs Canada (GAC) launched an updated version of the Export Import Control System (EICS), New EICS. 2024-05-11 Global Affairs Canada open-ouvert@tbs-sct.gc.ca Economics and IndustryNoticebrokersexportimportcontrol systemEICS (Updated) Notice to Brokers using the Export Import Control System (EICS) - Final Reminder for Mandatory transition to the New Export Import Controls System: Serial No. 1058 - 2021-08-03HTML https://webarchiveweb.wayback.bac-lac.canada.ca/*/https://www.international.gc.ca/trade-commerce/controls-controles/notices-avis/1058.aspx?lang=eng (Updated) Notice to Brokers using the Export Import Control System (EICS) - Final Reminder for Mandatory transition to the New Export Import Controls System: Serial No. 1058 - 2021-08-03HTML https://webarchiveweb.wayback.bac-lac.canada.ca/*/https://www.international.gc.ca/trade-commerce/controls-controles/notices-avis/1058.aspx?lang=fra