Export and brokering controls handbook

Export and brokering controls handbook This Handbook is intended as a reference tool for exporters and brokers, and provides practical information about the administration of Canada’s export controls pursuant to the Export Control List, the Brokering Control List, the Area Control List and the Automatic Firearms Country Control List, under the authority of the Export and Import Permits Act. Information contained in this Handbook includes: how to obtain the necessary permits for the export, brokering, or transfer of controlled items and how to comply with the requirements of the Export and Import Permits Act and its related regulations. This version of the Handbook introduces significant changes resulting from Bill C-47, An Act to amend the Export and Import Permits Act and the Criminal Code (amendments permitting the accession to the Arms Trade Treaty and other amendments). Key changes include references to the updated 2016 Export Control List, new brokering regulations, classification of Group 9 items and changes to reporting on exports of certain military items to the United States. The information in this Handbook does not pertain to applications to export goods described in Items 5101 to 5210 (Forest Products, Agriculture and Food Products, Apparel Goods, and Vehicles) of the Export Control List as administering controls over these items are not within the mandate of the Export Controls Division. For more information on how to obtain a permit to export these items, please consult the “Controlled Products” section of the export controls web site. Should a discrepancy arise between the Export Controls Handbook and the relevant legislation and regulations, the legislation and regulations will prevail. For the purposes of interpreting and applying the law, please consult Part III of the Canada Gazette, “Acts of Parliament”, and Part II of the Canada Gazette, “Official Regulations”. These publications are available in most public libraries and on the internet at Canada Gazette. Electronic copies of the Export and Import Permits Act and its related regulations are also available on the internet at Export and Import Permits Act. 2024-08-23 Global Affairs Canada open-ouvert@tbs-sct.gc.ca Economics and Industrynoticeexportbrokeringcontrolshandbook Export and brokering controls handbook - 2019HTML https://webarchiveweb.wayback.bac-lac.canada.ca/web/2/https://www.international.gc.ca/trade-commerce/controls-controles/reports-rapports/ebc_handbook-cce_manuel.aspx Export and brokering controls handbook - 2019HTML https://webarchiveweb.wayback.bac-lac.canada.ca/web/2/https://www.international.gc.ca/trade-commerce/controls-controles/reports-rapports/ebc_handbook-cce_manuel.aspx?lang=fra

This Handbook is intended as a reference tool for exporters and brokers, and provides practical information about the administration of Canada’s export controls pursuant to the Export Control List, the Brokering Control List, the Area Control List and the Automatic Firearms Country Control List, under the authority of the Export and Import Permits Act. Information contained in this Handbook includes: how to obtain the necessary permits for the export, brokering, or transfer of controlled items and how to comply with the requirements of the Export and Import Permits Act and its related regulations.

This version of the Handbook introduces significant changes resulting from Bill C-47, An Act to amend the Export and Import Permits Act and the Criminal Code (amendments permitting the accession to the Arms Trade Treaty and other amendments). Key changes include references to the updated 2016 Export Control List, new brokering regulations, classification of Group 9 items and changes to reporting on exports of certain military items to the United States.

The information in this Handbook does not pertain to applications to export goods described in Items 5101 to 5210 (Forest Products, Agriculture and Food Products, Apparel Goods, and Vehicles) of the Export Control List as administering controls over these items are not within the mandate of the Export Controls Division. For more information on how to obtain a permit to export these items, please consult the “Controlled Products” section of the export controls web site.

Should a discrepancy arise between the Export Controls Handbook and the relevant legislation and regulations, the legislation and regulations will prevail. For the purposes of interpreting and applying the law, please consult Part III of the Canada Gazette, “Acts of Parliament”, and Part II of the Canada Gazette, “Official Regulations”. These publications are available in most public libraries and on the internet at Canada Gazette. Electronic copies of the Export and Import Permits Act and its related regulations are also available on the internet at Export and Import Permits Act.

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