Veterans Affairs Canada Audit of Petty Cash - October 2015

Veterans Affairs Canada Audit of Petty Cash - October 2015 The Accountable Advances Regulations (AAR) permit departments to establish petty cash funds to assist in meeting specific operational needs. Each petty cash fund can be set up to a maximum of $2,000; individual transactions shall not exceed $200. Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) currently has 78 petty cash funds in place. The Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) Directive on Accountable Advances states that the petty cash funds should only be used when it is more cost-effective than using acquisition cards or staff travel cards. The objectives of this audit were to assess the management control framework and to assess compliance with the Accountable Advances Regulations and the Treasury Board Secretariat Directive on Accountable Advances. 2022-02-24 Veterans Affairs Canada Government and PoliticsVeterans Affairs CanadaVACInternal AuditingEvaluationPetty cashFinance Audit of Petty Cash - October 2015HTML Audit of Petty Cash - October 2015HTML Audit of Petty Cash - October 2015PDF Audit of Petty Cash - October 2015PDF

The Accountable Advances Regulations (AAR) permit departments to establish petty cash funds to assist in meeting specific operational needs. Each petty cash fund can be set up to a maximum of $2,000; individual transactions shall not exceed $200. Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) currently has 78 petty cash funds in place. The Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) Directive on Accountable Advances states that the petty cash funds should only be used when it is more cost-effective than using acquisition cards or staff travel cards.

The objectives of this audit were to assess the management control framework and to assess compliance with the Accountable Advances Regulations and the Treasury Board Secretariat Directive on Accountable Advances.

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