Ransomware playbook (ITSM.00.099)

Ransomware playbook (ITSM.00.099) The information provided in this document is intended to inform and assist organizations with drawing down the risks, reducing impacts, and taking preventative actions associated with ransomware attacks. You can use the considerations below to articulate your business and security requirements and implement relevant policies and procedures related to cybercrime. 2023-03-08 Communications Security Establishment Canada opengov-gouvouvert@cse-cst.gc.ca Information and CommunicationsScience and Technologycyber threatsransomware HTML ENHTML https://cyber.gc.ca/en/guidance/ransomware-playbook-itsm00099 HTML FRHTML https://cyber.gc.ca/fr/orientation/guide-sur-les-rancongiciels-itsm00099

The information provided in this document is intended to inform and assist organizations with drawing down the risks, reducing impacts, and taking preventative actions associated with ransomware attacks. You can use the considerations below to articulate your business and security requirements and implement relevant policies and procedures related to cybercrime.

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