Open Data AAFC Infrastructure Flood Mapping in Saskatchewan - Contours - 50 centimetre
The AAFC Infrastructure Flood Mapping in Saskatchewan - Contours - 50 centimetre is the LiDAR contours with an interval of 0.5m of the capture area of Saskatchewan. The contours were modeled from the ground class at a maximum vertical distance of 0.5m and a horizontal distance of 20 m. Breaklines...Organization:Agriculture and Agri-Food CanadaResource Formats:- FGDB/GDB
Open Data La Salle Upstream of Elie Watershed LiDAR – LASer Files
LASer files of a subwatershed in the La Salle watershed, north of Elie, MB. The LiDAR data was collected using Fugro Horizons proprietary FLI-MAP Fx LiDAR system.Organization:Agriculture and Agri-Food CanadaResource Formats:- LAS
Open Data Hydro-conditioned LiDAR DEM of catchments near Swan Lake, Pembina River Watershed
This LiDAR DEM, originated from the Government of Manitoba (2019-05), was hydro-conditioned with a recent culvert inventory including GIS data from the Province of Manitoba for provincial highways as well as hard copy maps from the Rural Municipality of Lorne. It also included GPS and desktop...Organization:Agriculture and Agri-Food CanadaResource Formats:- GeoTIF
Open Data AAFC Infrastructure Flood Mapping in Saskatchewan 20 centimeter colour orthophotos
The AAFC Infrastructure Flood Mapping in Saskatchewan 20 centimeter colour orthophotos is a collection of georeferenced color digital orthophotos with 20 cm pixel size. The imagery was delivered in GeoTIF and ECW formats. The TIF and ECW mosaics were delivered in the same 1 km x 1 km tiles as the...Organization:Agriculture and Agri-Food CanadaResource Formats:- GeoTIF
Open Data Swift Current LiDAR Project 2009 - Orthos
McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd (MCSL) has performed a LiDAR and Imagery survey in southern Saskatchewan. The acquisition was completed between the 16th and 25th of October, 2009. The survey consisted of approximately 790 square kilometers of coverage. While collecting the LiDAR data, we also...Organization:Agriculture and Agri-Food CanadaResource Formats:- GeoTIF
Open Data Redberry Lake Biosphere Reserve – 1 meter Bare Earth DEM
One meter digital elevation model generated from bare earth LiDAR points. LiDAR Services International (LSI), a Calgary-based LiDAR company completed an airborne LiDAR survey for the Redberry Lake Biosphere Reserve (RLBR) and Agriculture and Agri-Foods Canada (AAFC) in October 2011. The project...Organization:Agriculture and Agri-Food CanadaResource Formats:- GeoTIF
Open Data Redberry Lake Biosphere Reserve – 1 meter Bare Earth Hillshade
One meter hillshade generated from bare earth DEM. LiDAR Services International (LSI), a Calgary-based LiDAR company completed an airborne LiDAR survey for the Redberry Lake Biosphere Reserve (RLBR) and Agriculture and Agri-Foods Canada (AAFC) in October 2011. The project involved collection of...Organization:Agriculture and Agri-Food CanadaResource Formats:- GeoTIF
Open Data Topography of AAFC and Water Security Agency Dams
LiDAR data collected in 2018 of water control structures in Tennaille, Newton, and Huff Lake in Saskatchewan, Canada. Includes Digital Terrain Models, Contours, and Orthorectified imagery. LiDAR Data to be used by AAFC to assess whether additional land control should be pursued and other...Organization:Agriculture and Agri-Food CanadaResource Formats:- FGDB/GDB
- GeoTIF
Open Data La Salle Upstream of Elie Watershed LiDAR Project
The LiDAR data was produced for an Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada land and water resource study. The data is required to produce high resolution DEMs to improve hydrologic and environmental resource modelling within the area.Organization:Agriculture and Agri-Food CanadaResource Formats:- LAS
- GeoTIF
Open Data Swift Current LiDAR Project 2009 - DEM
Digital Elevation Model (DEM) created from LiDAR data captured by McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd (MCSL). The DEM represent s the elevation of the landscape covered by this project.Organization:Agriculture and Agri-Food CanadaResource Formats:- GeoTIF