Open Data AAFC Infrastructure Flood Mapping in Saskatchewan - Contours - 50 centimetre
The AAFC Infrastructure Flood Mapping in Saskatchewan - Contours - 50 centimetre is the LiDAR contours with an interval of 0.5m of the capture area of Saskatchewan. The contours were modeled from the ground class at a maximum vertical distance of 0.5m and a horizontal distance of 20 m. Breaklines...Organization:Agriculture and Agri-Food CanadaResource Formats:- FGDB/GDB
Open Data Topography of AAFC and Water Security Agency Dams
LiDAR data collected in 2018 of water control structures in Tennaille, Newton, and Huff Lake in Saskatchewan, Canada. Includes Digital Terrain Models, Contours, and Orthorectified imagery. LiDAR Data to be used by AAFC to assess whether additional land control should be pursued and other...Organization:Agriculture and Agri-Food CanadaResource Formats:- FGDB/GDB
- GeoTIF
Open Data Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s LiDAR Projects
The Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s LiDAR Projects dataset was created from existing spatial data. It contains the footprints (outlines) of all the LiDAR data that is openly distributed by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) is a method of acquiring survey...Organization:Agriculture and Agri-Food CanadaResource Formats:- FGDB/GDB
Open Data Swift Current LiDAR Project 2009 – Contours
Contour Lines generated from LiDAR data captured by McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd (MCSL). The contour lines connect points of equal elevation for the landscape covered by this project.Organization:Agriculture and Agri-Food CanadaResource Formats:- FGDB/GDB
Open Data Qu’Appelle Valley Lakes system – Flight Line 2008
Flight lines for the Pasqua, Crooked, Echo, and Round Lakes area within the Qu'Appelle Valley River system in SaskatchewanOrganization:Agriculture and Agri-Food CanadaResource Formats:- FGDB/GDB
Open Data Qu’Appelle Valley Lakes system – Shoreline 2008
Shorelines for the Pasqua, Crooked, Echo, and Round Lakes within the Qu'Appelle Valley River system in SaskatchewanOrganization:Agriculture and Agri-Food CanadaResource Formats:- FGDB/GDB
Open Data Redberry Lake Biosphere Reserve – 30 Centimeter Contours
Thirty-centimeter contours generated from bare earth LiDAR points. LiDAR Services International (LSI), a Calgary-based LiDAR company completed an airborne LiDAR survey for the Redberry Lake Biosphere Reserve (RLBR) and Agriculture and Agri-Foods Canada (AAFC) in October 2011. The project involved...Organization:Agriculture and Agri-Food CanadaResource Formats:- FGDB/GDB
Open Data Qu’Appelle Valley Lakes system – Spot Height Points 2008
Spot Height Points for the Pasqua, Crooked, Echo, and Round Lakes area within the Qu'Appelle Valley River system in SaskatchewanOrganization:Agriculture and Agri-Food CanadaResource Formats:- GEOJSON
Open Data Redberry Lake Biosphere Reserve LiDAR Survey
LiDAR Services International (LSI), a Calgary-based LiDAR company completed an airborne LiDAR survey for the Redberry Lake Biosphere Reserve (RLBR) and Agriculture and Agri-Foods Canada (AAFC) in October 2011. The project involved collection of LiDAR data for a 362.97 km2 block area, 252.77 km2...Organization:Agriculture and Agri-Food CanadaResource Formats:- GeoTIF
Open Data Swift Current LiDAR Project 2009
McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd (MCSL) has performed a LiDAR and Imagery survey in southern Saskatchewan. The purpose was to generate DEMs for hydraulic modeling of floodplain, digital terrain maps, and other products for portions of the Swift Current Creek valley and other miscellaneous...Organization:Agriculture and Agri-Food CanadaResource Formats:- FGDB/GDB
- GeoTIF