Government of Alberta

41 datasets found
  • Open Data

    Derived Ecosite Phase v2.0

    Derived Ecosite Phase (DEP) v2.0 is a digital and spatial representation of ecological sites and phases in those areas of Alberta where both Alberta Vegetation Inventory (AVI) and lidar are available. The AVI is an imagery-based digital inventory developed to identify the type, extent and...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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    Natural Regions and Subregions of Alberta

    This dataset defines the ecological areas of Alberta known as the Natural Regions and Natural Subregions, as defined in 2004/2005. This dataset is intended to allow for the stratification of the province of Alberta based on ecological criteria. Natural Regions are the largest mapped ecological...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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    Provincial Bison Protection Areas

    The Provincial Bison Protection Areas dataset is comprised of all the polygons that represent Bison Protection Areas in Alberta. In order to support the conservation, management and recovery of disease-free bison in northern Alberta, wood bison located within specified Wildlife Management Units...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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  • Open Data

    Limber Pine Habitat Model From DEM

    This data was produced under contract for Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Forest Management Branch in 2015-2016. Variables used were elevation, aspect, slope, landscape mesotopography (e.g. ridge, upper slope, etc). DEM was used where there was no LiDAR coverage, with a resolution of 25 m2...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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  • Open Data

    Critical Habitat of Aquatic Species at Risk

    Critical habitat is identified for species listed as Endangered or Threatened under the federal Species at Risk Act (SARA) and where federal critical habitat protection orders are in effect. Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) is the responsible authority for the protection, recovery and...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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  • Open Data

    Areal Extent of Wetlands

    The data represents the density of wetland habitat in the agricultural region of Alberta in 2002. Wetlands are depressional areas that are wet for a long enough period that the plant and animals living in them are adapted to, and often dependent on, living in wet conditions for at least part of...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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    Number of Species at Risk

    This map, created in 2002 using ArcGIS, describes the number of animal and plant species that are at risk in Alberta. 'Species at risk' is a term used by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) that includes the following categories of plants and animals:Extirpated...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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  • Open Data

    Mountain Pine Beetle Inventory 1975 - 2010

    The mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins, MPB) is native to western Canada. It attacks all pine including lodgepole, limber, whitebark and jack pine. Over the past 40 years the range of mountain pine beetle has expanded, possibly due to changes in the area of climatically...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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  • Open Data

    Alberta Flood Mapping

    Flood maps are created by combining hydraulic model results with high-accuracy ground information. Field surveys and LiDAR remote sensing are used to collect river and floodplain elevations, channel cross section data, bridge and culvert information, and flood berm details. A hydrology assessment...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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  • Open Data

    Mountain Goat and Sheep Areas

    Mountain Goat and Sheep Ranges were determined from both observations (telemetry and aerial sheep/goat surveys) and habitat suitability indexes. Goat and sheep ranges have been buffered by 800m to derive zones. Range delineation encompasses use during all seasons.To identify goat and sheep ranges...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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  • Open Data

    Upper North Saskatchewan and Red Deer River Study Area

    This dataset is a subset of the Hydrologic Unit Code Watersheds of Alberta which is produced for the Government of Alberta and is available to the general public. Please consult the Distribution Information of this metadata for the appropriate contact to acquire this dataset. The study area used...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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  • Open Data

    Surface Water Quality Risk

    This map displays an assessment of surface water quality risk for the agricultural area of Alberta. Agricultural activities that may have an impact on surface water quality, including livestock, crop production and agrochemical use, were identified and used to produce this map. The classes shown...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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  • Open Data

    ACIMS Sensitive Element Occurrences by TWP

    This file contains the June 2022 spatial data - ACIMS Sensitive Element Occurrences for tracked species of conservation concern in Alberta. Vertebrate data is excluded. Please note this data is hazed to township. ACIMS (Alberta Conservation Information Management System) is the Alberta member of...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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    Primary Land and Vegetation Inventory (PLVI)

    The Primary Land and Vegetation Inventory (PLVI) is a photo-based digital inventory developed to identify the type, extent and conditions of vegetation in the forested and parkland areas of the province of Alberta. This includes portions of both the Green and White areas of the province. It will...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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    Project Returns for Riparian Area Assessment of the Pembina River Watershed

    The Riparian Area Assessment of the Upper, Mid and Lower Pembina River Watersheds project focused on assessing riparian habitat along lake, creek, stream and river shorelines. This dataset was created for the Athabasca Watershed Council as a part of a large scale riparian area assessment in...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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  • Open Data

    Fertilizer Expense Index 2001

    The data represents the relative expense of fertilizer and lime in the agricultural area of Alberta. It is an estimate of the degree to which agriculture may affect nutrient levels in surface and groundwater. The classes shown on the map are ranked between 0 (lowest) and 1 (highest).Mapping the...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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    Whirling Disease (AIS) Decontamination Zones

    This GIS dataset covers the four types of decontamination zones for whirling disease in Alberta, and identifies the inherent risk categories for each. These boundaries are to be used by Government of Alberta field staff and industry, as described in the Alberta Decontamination Protocol for...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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  • Open Data

    Aquifer Vulnerability Index

    The Aquifer Vulnerability Index (AVI) is a method of assessing the vulnerability of aquifers to surface contaminants in Alberta. An aquifer is a geological formation that is permeable enough to transmit sufficient quantities of water to possible to support the development of water wells. In the...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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  • Open Data

    ACIMS Non-Sensitive Element Occurrences

    This file contains the June 2022 spatial data. ACIMS Non-Sensitive Element Occurrences for tracked species of conservation concern in Alberta. Vertebrate data is excluded. This file contains element occurrence polygons mapped based on NatureServe Methodology. ACIMS (Alberta Conservation...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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  • Open Data

    Limber Pine Habitat Model From Lidar

    This data was produced under contract for Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Forest Management Branch in 2015-2016. Variables used were elevation, aspect, slope, landscape mesotopography (e.g. ridge, upper slope, etc). Where there was LiDAR coverage, resolution was 1m2 pixels. Canopy height was...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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